Yesterday the hubs and I picked up my mom and headed to the mall. First we hit Barnes & Noble and Old Navy which are near the mall. We found a majority of gifts at B&N cause my family are all big readers. I scored at ON for my SD (her favorite store) with stuff on sale and discounts handed to us at the door. Can you imagine a t-shirt for $1?
After that we went to the mall and to save our sanity the hubs used valet parking. Poor guy, he was the only one working the valet tent and people just started leaving their cars in the valet turnaround. The hubs gave him a decent tip cause he was working his but off!
It's weird going to the mall during regular business hours. Usually Sunday mornings I meet a friend at 7:00 and we walk inside the mall. There are others walkers there and cleaning crew. It's nice and empty. We got to the mall early enough that it wasn't too crowded and the lines were not so bad. The hubs and I managed to get most of the rest of our shopping done before the stress of the holiday and the amount of people started to bother me and make me feel claustrophobic and frustrated. I have to admit there were a few gift cards bought at that point.

The hubs and I dropped my mom off and went to Archie McPhee for stocking stuffers. I can't tell you what I got for the hubs cause he reads my blog but I can tell you the few things we got for the kids. SD got the Cat-A-Pult and SS got the Chuck-A-Duck. I'm partial to the Flying Monkeys myself. The hubs got a free plastic crocodile with his purchases which is now sitting in my car.
You can get all sorts of interesting things at Archie McPhee (they have an online store as well) like bacon flavored anything (band aids, car fresheners, floss, gumballs). Different bath ducks - they have a zombie one, a devil one a pirate one - you name it they probably have it. Don't forget dashboard Jesus. No Christmas stocking would be complete without the Yodeling Pickle.
We also stopped at the fabric store so I could purchase the backing flannel for my brothers quilt. That is what I will be working on today. I need a couple small items and then I am done. I started wrapping gifts last night but need more boxes. I am going to venture to my mom's in the snow cause she has a refrigerator box FULL of boxes I can use.
Stay warm out there!
Sounds like a fun shopping trip. I love little stores like Archie McPhee's. It's fun to visit.
I have never heard of Archie McPhee's, but will hop online and check it out. Definitely sounds like fun! Have a great holiday!
I've given up on any more shopping. HAven't moved my car for days...
glad you had a fruitful and safe shopping trip!
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