I still want to lose weight and am following the weight watchers plan. I am trying to focus on getting my meals from whole foods (as in not processed) as best I can. Next month a PCC opens near me and I can't wait to try out some of their cooking classes! Ramping up my energy level with more consistent exercise as well as a form of meditation and increasing my water, fruit and veggie consumption rounds out my focus on better health.

Our finances are always on that list too. We have a debt reduction plan in place that we are working. We have a savings account too but the true focus right now is getting some major debt paid off - never to return again. This month was rather strange as hubby was paid three times, we were on vacation and we had some unexpected bills to pay. I recently found this blog on how to earn money from home and plan on checking that out this weekend when I have more free time. Anything extra I can bring in towards debt will just accelerate our plans.

Being more my authentice self. I found this great tool called the Johari Window that I plan on checking out. It has to do with your trust level and how you interact with others. Over the past several months we have had some family drama with my in laws. It has quieted down but unfortunately there has been no resolution with them. The ball is in their court I just have to learn to be patient.

Keeping up with the decluttering and not allowing new clutter in to our home is another focus. My house has really come a long way in that department. Some of the things we have gotten rid of were hard but we did it. Part of our clutter comes from files on the computer we don't need or can condense, emails we plan on getting back to reading or bills we pay for and don't use like the extended cable.

I'd really like to be a mindful gift giver this year. I personally feel hand crafted gifts are a true sense of the generosity of spirit the holidays are supposed to be about. I would love to make many knitted holiday gifts and plan to find the time to do that.

I'd really like to be a mindful gift giver this year. I personally feel hand crafted gifts are a true sense of the generosity of spirit the holidays are supposed to be about. I would love to make many knitted holiday gifts and plan to find the time to do that.

Hope you all had a wonderful day!
***Edit 8-29-08
I totally forgot something on my list! I really want to write the screenplay/book idea I have rattling around in my head. That is one of my projects for this weekend. To sit down and get my ideas on paper and even do some research and a rough outline.
Great goals! Here's a blog by Simple Dollar that might help on the gift giving...
That PCC will make finding whole foods easier. Is there a farmer's market up where you are?
Isn't it funny how so many of us feel renewal in September? :-)
Thanks for the suggestions to both of you!
Edmonds does have a Farmer's Market but often Saturday mornings I forget.
Great Goals, you are gearing up for change and the more you declutter the more room for creative energy to come in. SWEET! Your Blog proves you can write & walking into your Authentic Self will guide you there. See these Goals happening in your Mind and they will come into fruition on the Physical.
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