
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Simplicity & Shameless Plug

I need to simplify my life.

If you have been following for any length of time you know I used to post monthly financial updates. This is not strictly a personal finance blog but I do keep track of those things.

I am going to make my goals a little easier.

  • Eat Healthy - I am now looking at labels more closely and shopping with more of a purpose. I try to watch out for hidden sugar and look for more natural choices.
  • Move More - I want to get at least 20 minutes of exercise a day through Wii fit, my yoga mat, DVD's and my exercise ball.
  • Mindfull Spend/Save - I have our income and expenses in a spreadsheet. I am no longer obsessing about how long it will take to pay off the CC's or how long it will take to have x amount in savings. As long as the CC balances go down and the savings goes up and we don't regret our decisions, that is all I can ask for.
  • Live - If the house is clean, go out and have fun!!!!!

I will update my sidebars and update when I reach milestones like paying off a CC or reaching a certain savings goal. We have a four year plan. Four years from now the hubs youngest will graduate high school and we will be in our young 40's. We are preparing now for a transition and move in the next four years. Where is anyone's guess.

Now on to more fun stuff - the shameless plug I was hinting at.

You may know about an independent film I and my husband worked the summer of 2007 (search for TBOZ labels here on the blog). After three years of hard work, TBOZ (The Book of Zombie) will be launched at the Seattle True Independent Film Festival in June.

The film industry is where both my husband and I have an interest in transitioning to once the kiddies are out of school (the four year plan). I am normally not in to gory movies but that is one of the easiest to make on a small budget. We even have a credit on IMDB! That is a HUGE deal for me.

I am excited to see the finished product after such a long wait!

1 comment:

Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

That is SO neat! Really?!
