
Saturday, May 30, 2009

May Wrap Up

This month just flew by and I pretty much abandoned my new philosophy on debt reduction and savings. With the nicer weather the hubs, dog and I have been outside more and watching TV/on the computer less.

My focus for June is to get decluttering started and follow our budget. I started decluttering Thursday night by going through a bag sitting along a wall in my bedroom. This wall is a pit stop for clutter. The bag I went through had some fabric for an outfit I bought last year I want to make. I cut out the pattern pieces and will start sewing today.

In an effort to reduce our monthly expenses;
  • The hubs took our cable boxes to the cable company today so we are down to basic cable. In the summer time who really needs all those channels?
  • We canceled a service we really have not needed.
  • We dropped the third cell phone line on our plan as the kids have phones now paid by their mom.
  • We went on the PUD monthly plan which spreads what you spend out over the year in twelve equal payments.
Total savings $109 per month.

As far as our budget goes, we did not pay any extra on the debt, total for eating out was $108.13 and coffee was $172.29. We hope to stick to Starbucks only on the weekends and bring coffee from home during the work week.

I bought the 30 Day Shred video by Jillian Michaels and have done that about five times. It really kicks my but!

We have some expenses this month; a vet visit, Father's Day and my parents 40th anniversary. We have those items budgeted in so adding about $200 to our personal loan will help getit paid down faster so we can refinance in July.

Well, got to get to some gardening and sewing!

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