Today the hubs was super excited about doing yard work. Probably because we bought a new toy, an electric hedge trimmer. In just under an hour we trimmed the hedge in our backyard and got all the old dead plants out of the yard. Seven garbage bags, one bucket, two disposable hanging planter baskets and one trellis. I hope to actually rip out this hedge because I hate it. I want to plant bamboo instead. Our homeowners association (of which I am a board member) is pretty cool about things like this. I want to do it after the flaking paint on the outside of my neighbors unit is fixed. The bamboo poles on the ground in front of the hedge are going to be a super cool project from my 101 things list.

The grass is looking super mossy this year and I'm not certain why. We are lucky enough to have the largest back yard in the complex and our grass is usually pretty good except along the fence.
I decided to go with a much simpler gardening plan this year. I have crocosmia planted in the garden in front of our window. It was too wet out today but I need to dig it up and spread it out to fill up more of the front of the window. The photo below is them poking through the ground.

This plant looks like tall grass and ends up with an orange flower. I'm going to stick to this here and under a tree at the back of the yard. The orange flowers in this photo is what it will looks like later this summer.

I had some clematis growing on a trellis next to the patio which I ripped out because the trellis needs to be replaced. I may plant trumpet vine as well this year. Not certain yet.

The patio looks really cluttered in the photo below but that was before we took the garbage bags out and swept. I plan on growing some herbs along the fence and plant colorful flowers only in pots. We might even do a small deck off of our patio. So, even though this was not on my list of projects for the month I feel good about it. Now to the living room clutter.
Oh wow I see you were doing yard work today too!!! Except your weather looks a bit warmer where you are...we are getting ready for a big snow storm to hit us soon! I can't wait to start getting to work in my garden this spring!
It actually snowed last week here in the greater Seattle area. I'm so over snow for this winter. :0)
Your plans sound wonderful! I can't wait to do yard work!
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