
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Moving Towards Minimalism

C and I have been focusing lately on the minimalism movement. This really seems to fit our ideal way of life sans children. We have been chucking unecessary items from our life for a little while now and it feels good.

We have a bit more to do and there is the inevitable question of how minimalist we want to be. People like Everett Bogue who has only 100 personal items. Or, Rowdy Kittens who has lived without her car for a while now. Both of which make their living from their blogs and ebooks. Or Frugal Babe who owns a home and grows a lot of her own food.

In the future C and I want to live in a small house like this on a lake making our living in the film industry.

Will we give up our 50" flat panel TV and extensive DVD collection? Will we give up our car? Will we end up living in a tree called Earthchild like Butterfly and Flower in Without a Paddle?

To find out, check out the new blog, Enuff Stuff C and I are writing together.

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