Wow, hi there.
Life has been pretty crazy around here.
For a while now, things have not been going well at my job. This is the job I was not looking for. This is the job that was supposed to be such a great opportunity for me. This is the job that was going to allow me to pay off my credit cards - FAST!
I have not been enjoying this job and I definitely feel this is not the place for me. I have felt trapped because I am not in the position to quit due to our finances.
Today I have a paid day off as yesterday I was "let go".
It's a weird situation though. Essentially my company is allowing me to choose my end date. They asked if I would like to work for a few more weeks while I look for a new job and would accommodate any interviews I get lined up.
I'll take it.
So today I spent lounging around at home doing whatever I pleased. I made bruchetta for brunch and got caught up on blog reading while lounging in my new jersey dress from Old Navy that arrived yesterday in the mail. I may even have a glass of white wine that arrived in the mail today from my wine club.
I did look for a new job too.....
So now what? I can't say I didn't think this possibility wouldn't happen. I was preparing for it and socking away money in savings - when I could have been paying off my credit cards. The end date I am choosing will allow me to get paid two more times not counting the paycheck this Friday. That will allow me to put an additional $2000 in savings. I will be able to collect unemployment if I can't find something new by then.
I'm actually pretty optimistic. I have other things to keep me busy right now. I'm taking this great class on reorienting my career (don't laugh) and I couldn't be taking it at a better time.
Oh yeah, and did I mention that I started a production company with two friends I met on the set of the award winning indie film I worked on? We held our first auditions last Monday and the second auditions will be Saturday July 2. We have a Kickstarter video planned to raise the money we need to shoot our project which is scheduled for a weekend in August.
So not entirely freaking out here and am wondering what the universe has in store for me. I'm thinking positive and have great references lined up. It's summer and I plan to enjoy it as much as possible.
We got our car back last night too - it had issues for the second time and the dealership covered it all - huge sigh of relief there.
So universe - throw me a bone will ya?